God is pure existence.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
God is existence,
or existence is God.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
God is the space of the world.
The totality of existence is God.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
God is the sum total of everything.
-Paramahansa Yogananda
God is This.
God is that.
Everything is God.
What is God?
What isn't God?
-J. Z. Knight, "Ramtha"
Know then, that both this visible world and that
Which unseen is, alike are God Himself,
Naught is, save God: and all that is, is God.
-Farid ud-Din Attar
What is not God?
-Mother Meera
Where there is nothing,
there is God.
-William Butler Yeats
All is God.
But some things are more God than others.
-Ken Wilber
God is certainly one.
-Mohandas Gandhi
God is the one stable and eternal Reality.
-Aurobindo Ghose
What is God?
That which has nor a beginning nor an end!
God is the sum of all possibilities.
-Isaac Bashevis Singer
God is consciousness.
There is essentially nothing in the universe
but mind or consciousness.
God is consciousness.
God is energy.
God can only appear
through and as Consciousness itself.
God is the Infinite Conscious Life
of the Universe.
-Ruth Lambek
God is consciousness
that pervades the entire universe
of the living and the non-living.
What we name "God"
is supreme consciousness.
God is that being who is totally focused
at every point of space and every moment of time.
-Dane Rudhyar
the Infinite Superintending
and Creative Intelligence
that lies behind and throughout
the physical universe.
-Frederick Bailes
I do not believe in the God of the theologians;
but that there is a Supreme Intelligence
I do not doubt.
-Thomas Edison
Do not attribute duality to God.
Let God be solely God.
God is absolute Spirit or Soul
independent of matter.
God is not a person.
He is the all-pervading powerful spirit.
-Mohandas Gandhi
God is life's Essential Energy.
You might want to call that energy Pure Intelligence.
-Neale Donald Walsche
The truth is that God is the force.
He is the essence of life.
His is pure, undefiled consciousness.
-Mohandas Gandhi
God, or the imago Dei,
is the name we give to the central process
of creativity itself.
-Alice O. Howell
God is the way the universe runs.
-Strephon Kaplan-Williams
God is another name for the integrity of life.
-Manly Hall
When God, El,
wanted to reveal Himself
He appeared as a point.
-The Kabbalah
I saw God in a point.
-Julian of Norwich
God ever geometrizes.
-Attributed to Plato
God is like a skillful Geometrician.
-Thomas Browne
God is infinite activity moving forward
in steadily unfolding development.
-John Seaman Garns
God is principle
and not a person with outer shape like man.
-Charles Fillmore
The way you use the word "God"
does not show whom you mean -
but, rather, what you mean.
-Ludwig Wittgenstein
Dissolve images of yourself and images of God.
Then God is no longer a supreme being,
but Power itself.
-Silva Demitz, "Sivananda Radha"
Why indeed must "God" be a noun?
Why not a verb -
the most active and dynamic of all!
-Mary Daly
God, to me, it seems is a verb not a noun, proper or improper. 
-R. Buckminster Fuller
God ain't a he or a she,
but a It.
-Alice Walker
I learned to think of God as a woman
and by that simple experience
I discovered I could begin to think of God.
-Jane O'Reilly
i found god in myself
& i loved her
i loved her fiercely.
-Ntozake Shange
At the center of the Universe
dwells the Great Spirit.
and that this center is really everywhere,
it is within each of us.
-Black Elk
God is the unifying principle of the world
and the centre towards which all things strive.
God is a circle whose center is everywhere,
and its circumference nowhere.
I circle around God,
the primordial tower.
-Rainer Maria Rilke
God is that tangential point
between zero and infinity.
-Alfred Jerry
God is what is there
when you take away the distance.
-Paul Williams
God is at home,
it's we who have gone out for a walk.
-Meister Eckhart
Home is the definition of God.
-Emily Dickinson
I cannot walk an inch
without trying to walk to God.
-Anne Sexton
God is omnipresent -
which simply means you cannot be where God is not.
-Peace Pilgrim
God is Omnipresent,
absolutely Present,
unqualifiedly Present.
-Franklin Jones
We say that God is everywhere,
and yet we always think of Him
as being somewhat of a recluse.
-Emily Dickinson
Wherever you are,
God is.
-Imre Vallyon
God is always here and now.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
God may be had for the asking.
-James Russell Lowell
God will be present
whether asked or not.
-Latin Proverb
A single Spirit fills infinity.
It is that of God,
whom nothing limits or divides,
who is everywhere entire
and nowhere confined.
-Eliphas Levi
God is over all things, under all things; outside all;
within but not enclosed; without, but not excluded;
above, but not raised up; below, but not depressed;
wholly above, presiding;
wholly without, embracing; wholly within filling.
-Madeleine L'Engle
God, in his simple substance,
is equally present everywhere.
-St Bernard of Clairvaux
It is not only spirit that is the being of God;
matter is the being of God too.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
God is the very stuff, the actual essence,
of each and every stage/level [of creation.]
God is not the highest level, nor a level itself,
but the reality of all levels.
-Ken Wilber
Life is God.
Love is God.
Light is God.
God is energy and Light.
-Silvia Demitz, "Sivananda Radha"
God is the light
which, never seen itself,
makes all things visible,
and clothes itself in colors.
-Jean Paul Friedrich Richter
God appears, and God is Light
To those poor souls who dwell in Night;
But does a Human Form display
To those who dwell in Realms of Day.
-William Blake
Light, the prime work of God.
-John Milton
God is the great magician who can, by His touch,
transmute even the basest life into a golden consciousness
full of His light, power and joy.
-Papa Ramdas
God is a light that is never darkened.
-Francis Quarles
God is light,
and in Him is no darkness at all.
-The Bible
God is like a mirror.
The mirror never changes
but everyone who looks at it sees a different face.
-Midrash Tanhama
People see God every day;
they just don't recognize him.
-Pearl Bailey
Behind what appears to you
as a dull face, a bright face, or a vicious face
is God alone.
See God everywhere
and be not frightened by masks.
-Aurobindo Ghose
To love another person
is to see the face of God.
-Victor Hugo
In the faces of men and women, I see God,
and in my own face in the glass.
-Walt Whitman
Once you've seen the face of God,
You see that same face on everyone you meet.
-Deng Ming-Dao
The only legitimate approach to another person
is to look upon that person as God,
because that is the truth.
I see God in every human being.
-Mother Teresa
The highest revelation
is that God is in everyone.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
If you can find God inside yourself,
you can find God inside everybody.
-Stephen Levine
If you do not see God in man,
you will not see Him anywhere.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
If you can't see God in all,
you can't see God at all.
-Yogi Bhajan
To be closer to God,
be closer to people.
-Kahlil Gibran
Apprehend God in all things,
for God is in all things.
-Meister Eckhart
Never see anything
without seeing God therein.
-Sufi Proverb
In music, in a flower, in a leaf,
in an act of kindness...
I see what people call God in all these things.
-Pablo Casals
When we look upon the commonplace
we are seeing the face of God.
-Manly Hall
God is the experience of looking at a tree
and saying 'Ah!'
-Joseph Campbell
I know God's Portraiture; he left in in disguise
In all His creatures fair, for you to recognize.
-Angelus Silesius
He who sees the Infinite in all things,
sees God.
-William Blake
The eyes of my soul were opened
and I discerned the fullness of God
in which I understood the whole world
here and beyond the sea, the abyss, the ocean, everything.
My soul was brimming over with the wonder
and I cried out with a loud voice
"The whole world is full of God."
-Angela of Foligno
It is better to see God in everything
that to try and figure it all out.
-Neem Karol Baba
God changes appearances every second.
Blessed is the man who can recognize him
in all his disguises.
-Nikos Kazantzakis
I see something of God
each hour of the twenty-four.
-Walt Whitman
None can see Him,
whether with the eyes of the head
or with the inner eye.
-Ibn 'Arabi
He hides Himself in His manifestations
and shows Himself in His concealments.
-Ba'al Shem Tov
Four veils hide God from us:
solids, liquids, gases and light.
Lift these veils and find God
everywhere, in everything.
-Paramahansa Yogananda
The God who is pure emptiness
Is created as form:
Becoming substance, light and darkness,
The stillness and the storm.
-Angelus Silesius
God could only create by hiding himself.
Otherwise there would be nothing but himself.
-Simone Weil
The veil that hides Him is His own being.
-Ibn 'Arabi
Only His extreme nearness to you
is what veils God from you.
-Ibn Ata'Illah
Hunting God is a great adventure.
-Mari de Floris
The best place to find God is in a garden.
You can dig for him there.
-George Bernard Shaw
God is in the water of the lake;
he is also in the cracked bed of the lake
when the lake has dried up.

God is in the abundant harvest;
he is also in the famine that occurs
when the harvest fails.

God is in the lightning;
he is also in the darkness
when the lightning has faded.

-Manur al-Hallaj
The reflection of the sun from the mirror is also sunshine.
The reflection of God from the soul is also God.
-Meister Eckhart
God is a pure no-thing,
concealed in the now and here.
-Angelus Silesius
God resides wherever we let God in.
-Menachem Mendel
God enters by a private door
into every individual.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
You need seek God neither below nor above.
He is no farther away then the door of the heart.
-Meister Eckhart
The man who desires to see the living God face-to-face
does not seek God in the empty firmament of his mind,
but in human love.
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky
God is best experienced through feeling.
-Shaun de Warren
He is the breath inside the breath.
I want God to play in my bloodstream
the way sunlight amuses itself on the water.
-Elizabeth Gilbert
I believe in a festive God.
-Julia Cameron
I would believe only in a God
that knows how to dance.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
At different times in my life
I met God from a different point of view.
-T-Bone Burnett
God is at eye level.
-Jan Phillips
God is not remote from us.
He is at the point of my pen,
 my shovel, my paint brush, my needle -
and my heart and thoughts.
-Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
God - however we define him or her -
is on our plates.
-Geneen Roth
God has a brown voice,
as soft and full as beer.
-Anne Sexton
God is a frequency.
Stay tuned.
-Alan Cohen
God is like listening to music.
He fills the being.
-Clarice Lispector
The language of God is not English or Latin;
the language of God is cellular and molecular.
-Timothy Leary
God is the great sound -
God is Om.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
God has a thousand names,
or rather, he is nameless.
-Mohandas Gandhi
God is silence.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
God is silence
and is most easily reached in silence.
-Baha ad-Din Naqshband
Silence is the only language
God speaks.
-Charles Simic
Nothing in creation
is so like God as stillness.
-Meister Eckhart
We can only know Him
by plunging into the depths of our own being
and entering that innermost region:
the region is silence.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
God is the place
where I do not remember the rest.
-Joseph Joubert
I had a million questions to ask God;
but when I met Him, they all fled my mind;
and it didn't seem to matter.
-Christopher Morley
When you have become clearly aware
of the effulgent God
interpenetrating the whole universe.
you are filled with awe and wonder,
reverence and ecstasy.
The meeting with God is like an opening
towards a flashing and immutable infinitude.
-Frithjof Schuon
You never come to the end of enjoying God.
the experience is ever new.
God's content
is too subtile for renewal.
-Meister Eckhart
God is the integration of life.
-Eric Butterworth
God is a synergetic experience.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
The most basic thing you can say about God
is that God is love.
-C. Alan Anderson
Define love and you define God.
-P. M. H. Atwater
Pure love is God Himself.
-St. Catherine of Genoa
Where love is,
there God is also.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Think of God as absolute good;
doing the good and creating the good
everywhere every moment.
-Christian Larson

God is the fountain of goodness.
-Anandamayi Ma

God is what's good in me.
-John Gunther
God does not postpone
his goodness.
-Christian Larson

Whatever God does is for the ultimate good.
-Ananadamayi Ma

You may call God love,
you may call God goodness,
but the best name for God is compassion.
-Meister Eckhart
No matter what the experience of God,
everyone would agree that God is truth.
-Dadi Janki
God is truth
and truth is God.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The absolute truth, the eternal principle,
that is God.
-Mohandas Gandhi
the one integral truth,
is God.
-Nikolai Berdyaev
God is another name for human intelligence
raised above all error and imperfection,
and extended to all possible truth.
-William Ellery Channing
If you say that God is good, great, blessed, wise or any such thing,
the starting point is this: God is.
-Bernard of Clairvaux
We have seen the highest circle of spiraling powers.
We have named this circle God.
-Nikos Kazantzakis
Wherever there are no limits,
where Infinity and Eternity and Immortality exist,
that is where God is.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
God's mind is the flow of eternity.
Eternity is the very core of God.
-Baruch Spinoza
God alone is Eternal
in the midst of the non-eternal.
God does not exist but he is eternal.
-Soren Kierkegaard
There is no God other than life itself.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
The essence of life
is the nature of God.
-Carleton Whitehead
What is contrary to nature
is contrary to God.
-Leopold Kompert
Nature hidden is secret God.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Nature is the difference
between the soul and God.
-Fernando Pessoa
It is God's nature
to be without nature.
-Meister Eckhart
God owns heaven
but He craves the earth.
-Anne Sexton
God depends on us.
It is through us that God is achieved.
-Andre Gide
To think that by one's efforts one comes to God
is part of the illusion that one is separate.
-Nigel Richmond
God and I are one in process.
-Meister Eckhart
The world is pregnant with God.
-Angela of Foligno
What does God do all day long?
God lies in a maternity bed giving birth.
-Meister Eckhart
Nature is too thin a screen;
the glory of the omnipresent God
bursts through everywhere.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
God is a sea of infinite substance.
-John of Damascus
God is a fountain flowing into itself.
-Saint Dionysius
'God likes matter', it has been said, 'he invented it'.
Matter: rock, water, wood, grass, birds, corn grapes, cells.
Not only does God like it but he clothes himself in it.
It is one of his languages.
-Michael Mayne
God, I can push the grass apart
and lay my finger on Thy heart.
-Edna St. Vencent Millay
The more we understand individual things,
the more we understand God.
-Benedict de Spinoza
The best way to know God
is to love many things.
-Vincent van Gogh
God is...all that is.
Different forms
are God's various manifestations.
God is a gold wire on which gold beads
of His own manifestation are strung.
I find letters from God dropped in the street
and every one is signed by God's name.
-Walt Whitman
God is dead.
God remains dead.
And we have killed him.
-Friedrich Nietzsche
God does not die
on the day we cease to believe in a personal deity,
but we die on the day
when our lives cease to be illuminated
by the steady radiance,
renewed daily, of a wonder,
the source of which is beyond reason.
-Dag Hammarskjold
God isn't dead -
he's just missing in action.
-Phil Ochs
God is not a dead equation!
-Allama Muhammed Iqbal
Act and God will act.
-Joan of Arc
The idea of God
brings us face to face with our own laziness.
-M. Scott Peck
How can God direct our steps
if we are not taking any?
-Sarah Leah Grafstein
God works through grace.
-Meister Eckhart
God is the fire in me,
I am the glow in Him.
-Angelus Silesius
Unless the eye catch fire,
God will not be seen.
Unless the ear catch fire,
God will not be heard.
Unless the tongue catch fire,
God will not be named.
Unless the heart catch fire,
God will not be loved.
Unless the mind catch fire,
God will not be known.
-William Blake
God is fire in the head.
-Vaslav Nijinsky
God is a superior reasoning power.
-Albert Einstein
I want to know God's thoughts;
the rest are details.
-Albert Einstein
It is thy very energy of thought
Which keeps thee from thy God.
-John Henry Newman
We actually have a candidate for the mind of God.
The mind of God we believe is cosmic music,
the music of strings resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace.
That is the mind of God.
-Michio Kaku
The God who science recognizes
must be a God of universal laws exclusively.
-William James
If by 'God' one means
the physical set of laws that govern the universe,
then clearly there is such a God.
-Carl Sagan
I could prove God statistically.
-George Gallup
Science in God, is known to be
A Substance, not a Qualitie.
-Robert Herrick
A humble knowledge of oneself
is a surer road to God
than a deep searching of the sciences.
-Thomas a Kempis
It is impossible to define God in words.
It is like trying to put the ocean in a bottle.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Indeed one can name God by all His highest names
And then again one can each one withdraw again.
-Angelus Silesius
God isn't a fact.
God is a symbol.
-Joseph Campbell
God: the arch-abstraction.
-Patrick White
God is abstract.
That is our tragedy.
-Clarice Lispector
God is what the mind becomes
when it has passed beyond
the scale of our comprehension.
-Freeman Dyson
[God is] the name we give to the connections
we cannot make.
-Simone Weil
God - a being whose only definition
is that he is beyond man's power to conceive.
-Ayn Rand
God is a metaphor for that which transcends all levels of intellectual thought. 
-Joseph Campbell
God is a personification
of that world-creative energy and mystery
which is beyond thinking and beyond naming.
-Joseph Campbell
God still remains the word to sum up our own unknown,
the unknown of existence itself.
-Manly Hall
All things existing have their opposite, except God;
it is for this reason that God cannot be made intelligible.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
To deny and to affirm the existence of God
are both equally true.
It is by rising above both affirmation and negation
that one can approach the Truth.
-Mirra Alfassa "The Mother"
We know God easily,
if we do not constrain ourselves to define him.
-Joseph Joubert
God cannot be defined.
-Joseph Albo
And who can define God?
God alone has the power to define Himself.
-William Walter Atkinson, "A. P. Mukerji"
God is only
a great imaginative experience.
-D. H. Lawrence
Imagination is the voice of daring.
If there is anything Godlike about God it is that.
He dared to imagine everything.
-Henry Miller
We say God and the imagination are one...
How high that highest candle lights the dark.
-Wallace Stevens
God is the only being,
who in order to reign,
doesn't even need to exist.
-Charles Baudelaire
The only excuse for God
is that He does not exist.
If there is no God,
everything is permitted.
-Fyodor Dostoevsky
If there were no God,
he would have to be invented.
-Fyodor Dostoyevsky
He was a wise man
who invented God.
That God does not exist,
I cannot deny.
That my whole being cries out for God,
I cannot forget.
-Jean-Paul Sartre
It cannot be asked whether God exists.
That is like asking whether existence exists.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
God is existence,
the very is-ness.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
If you exist,
God also exists.
I am,
therefore there is a God.
-Moses Mendelssohn
God is in me
or else is not at all
(does not exist).
-Wallace Stevens
God - the John Doe of philosophy and religion.
-Elbert Hubbard
God is either of no importance,
or of supreme importance.
-Abraham Joshua Heschel
Chance is perhaps the pseudonym of God
when he did not want to sign.
-Anatole France
God - but a word invoked to explain the world.
-Alphonse Marie Louis de Prat de Lamartine
God is the name we give to the science we don’t understand.
Science is the name we give to the God we don’t understand.
-Steve Maraboli
Whatever we cannot easily understand we call God;
this saves much wear and tear on the brain tissues.
-Edward Abbey
Perhaps the belief in God
is the belief that the world is intelligible,
but not to us.
-Thomas Nagel
I do not need the idea of God
to explain the world I live in.
-Salman Rushdie
I don't believe in God, but I miss him.
-Julian Barnes
If one has lived long enough,
there is danger of succumbing to the word “God”
merely because it was always there.
-Elias Canetti
And almost every one when age,
Disease, or sorrows strike him,
Inclines to think there is a God,
Or something very like Him.
-Arthur Hugh Clough
Man creates God after his own image.
As the interest of a man,
so is his God;
as his God, so is he.
-Johann Kaspar Lavater
Nothing is a greater barrier to God
than the idea of God.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
Our concept of God
is the stepping stone to our experience of God.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The God we have
is the one we're capable of having.
-Joseph Campbell
The picture man makes of God
is as limited as himself.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
You can safely assume
you have created God in your own image
when it turns out that God hates all the same people you do.
-Anne Lamott
The religious idea of God
cannot do full duty for the metaphysical infinity.
-Alan Watts
The God of any religion
is only a fragment of God.
-Deepak Chopra

My country and your country,
my God and your God -
all that is the fragmentation of thought.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti

God is always bigger than the boxes we build for God,
so do not waste too much time protecting the boxes.
-Richard Rohr
If we have any conception of what God is,
certainly it should be changing and expanding
as we ourselves grow and change.
-Bernadette Roberts
God is the perfection we must aspire to realize.
-Mirra Alfassa, "The Mother"
God is always the ideal of human perfection,
which grows in grandeur as man raises himself.
-Eliphas Levi
God outside us is an hypothesis;
God inside us is an experience.
-Harry E. Fosdick
God is understood not by knowing
but by becoming.
-Torkom Saraydarian
You cannot believe in God
until you believe in yourself.
Whatever you belief about the nature of God,
God becomes to you what you believe Him to be.
-Cheryl Canfield
In essence,
the life of God and the life of man
are identically the same
and so are one.
They differ not in essence, in quality;
they differ in degree.
-Ralph Waldo Trine
You are related to God
as a drop of water is related to the ocean.
God Himself sees through the eye of man,
thus the eye is the road between man and God.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
God in the depths of us
receives God who comes to us:
it is God contemplating God.
-John van Ruysbroeck
The eye with which I see God
is the same eye with which God sees me.
-Meister Eckhart
My eye and God's eye are one and the same -
one in seeing, one in knowing, and one in loving.
-Meister Eckhart
These are the eyes
through which God sees himself.
-Ibn 'Arabi
When I looked only with my own eyes
I saw only myself.
When I came to look with God's eyes,
I saw only God.
-Baba Kuhi of Shiraz
You don't look out there for God,
something in the sky,
you look in you.
-Alan Watts
In you is God
and in God is thyself.
All that ye may know of God
is within thyself.
-Edgar Cayce
There is no place in my soul,
no corner of my character,
where God is not.
-Evelyn Underhill
It is only by becoming Godlike that we can know God -
and to become Godlike
is to identify ourselves with the divine element
which in fact constitutes our essential nature.
-Aldous Huxley
The mind that wishes to behold God
must itself become God.
The deep things of God
are easily discerned through a pure mind,
just as easily as rocks of the river bed
when water is pure and still.
-Christian Larson
God is not attained
by a process of addition to anything in the soul,
but by a process of subtraction.
-Meister Eckhart
Man is God in slow arising;
And betwixt his joy and his pain
Lies our sleeping
And the dreaming thereof.
-Kahlil Gibran
God becomes man
so that man becomes God.
-Saint Augustine
God is man yet to be fully manifested
and man is God yet to be fully realised.
-Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, "Sri Chinmoy"
God is more interior to us than we are to ourselves.
His acting in us is nearer and more inward than our own actions.
God works in us from inside outwards.
-John van Ruysbroeck
God can never be the object of your experience
because he/she is the subject experiencing.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Only the word "I"
divides me from God.
-Yunus Emre
Without having any identity,
you are Him and He is you.
-Ibn 'Arabi
God is nearer to the soul
than the soul is to itself.
-Saint Augustine
God is nearer to me
than I am to myself.
-Meister Eckhart
Before you can find God,
you must lose yourself.
-Bal'al Shem Tov
Any God you find inside yourself
would probably be very hard to lose again.
-Ashleigh Brilliant
In the search for God
he finds himself.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
I searched for God
and found only myself.
I searched for myself
and found only God.
-Sufi Proverb
The finding of God
is the coming to one's own self.
-Meher Baba
Abandon the search for God...
Learn who it is within you...
To know the Self is to know God.
-Gnostic Gospels
The greatest of all lessons
is to know your self,
because when you know your self
you know God.
-Clement of Alexandria
As soon as soon as one knows one's Self,
God will be known.
-Baba Hari Dass
God cannot be seen.
He can be recognized.
-Anthony de Mello
The recognition of God
is the recognition of yourself.
-A Course in Miracles
When the secret opens to you,
you will know that you are
none other than He.
-Ibn 'Arabi
Your God dwells within you,
as you.
God is your very being.
-Chandra Mohan Jain, "Osho"
The innermost being of man
is the real being of God.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
When you look at that unchanging Existence from the outside,
you call it God;
and when you look at it from the inside,
you call it yourself.
It is but one.
It will not be an overstatement
if I say that man is God.
I am God, la de dah.
-Anne Sexton
It is easy to claim 'I am God!'
but it is bringing the highest idea of God
down to the lowest plane.
It is as if the bubble were to say,
'I am the sea.'
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Man is not a footprint of God
but God Himself;
as if the sun had thought
by looking at the sunflower,
"I am the sunflower,"
forgetting at that moment
that the sunflower was only its footprint.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The point is that
God is what nobody admits to being,
and everybody really is.
-Alan Watts
When did I realize I was God?
Well, I was praying
and suddenly I realized I was talking to myself.
-Peter O'Toole
God is definitely out of the closet.
-Marianne Williamson
Duality exists as long as God
is not identified within.
-Baba Hari Dass
Tell between me and God the only difference?
It is (put in one word) nothing but otherness.
-Angelus Silesius
Between God and me there is no between.
-Meister Eckhart
A person blended with God
does not disappear.
He or she is just completely soaked
in God's qualities.
-Djalal ad-Din Rumi
God equals man minus ego.
-Sai Baba
We can touch God, the cosmic spirit,
only insofar as we manage to touch
the spirit within us, our higher self.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
God is not different
from our higher self.
-Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
...God as the ultimate Self,
who is the Self of every self.
-Thomas Merton
What man calls Absolute Being,
his God, is his own being.
-Ludwig Feuerbach
The God of your Being
is your auric field,
or your spirit.
-J. Z. Knight, "Ramtha"
Become God,
the whole and the culmination of all life force -
all that you are.
-J. Z. Knight, "Ramtha"
Let God be God in you.
-Meister Eckhart
Be God
proclaimed with dominion
over all understanding.
-J. Z. Knight, "Ramtha"
Be still and know
that I am God.
-The Bible
My Me is God.
-Saint Catherine of Genoa
Within my body
there is nothing but God.
-Bayazid Al-Bistami
Stand up and play the melody,
I am God.
-Djalal ad-Din Rumi
God, Self, Consciousness are One.
-Anthony Paul Moo-Young, "Mooji"