More on God

What is god, what is not god, what lies between man and god?
Who on this earth, after searching,
can claim to have been to the end of that question's torturous lane?

One boy would not get it through his head that for all adults
God is not an old man in a white beard sitting on a cloud.
As far as the boy was concerned,
this old gentleman was the adult's God
and he did not believe in God.
-Madeleine L'Engle

How long will grown men and women in this world
keep drawing in their coloring books
an image of God that makes them sad?
-Daniel Ladinsky

"They're old; they're about God hundreds of years ago.
Not about God now."
"But God doesn't change."
"Men do though."
"What difference does that make?"
"All the difference in the world."
-Aldous Huxley

In Oriental cultures,
they don't think of God as an autocrat.
God is the fundamental energy of the world,
which performs all this world
without having to think about it.
-Alan Watts

The ocean may rightly say, 'I am the waves that dance on my surface'.
But has the wave the right to way, 'I am the ocean'?
Become one, first, with the ocean of God.
If in that consciousness you declare, 'I am He,'
it won't be as the little wave that you are speaking,
but as the ocean itself.
Your sense of 'I,' then, won't be limited by the ego.
Better still even so is to say,
'The ocean has become this little wave of a body,'
lest people misunderstand the level from which you are speaking.